Sunday, February 18, 2007


Thanks to everyone who attended the first Gaijin Gamers meeting at the Sizeria Italian restauraunt in Kamata. After only a bare half hour of picking through Monster Hunter Portable's lobby system, joining, deleting and re-joining each others buddy lists, the game was cracked and the very serious business of waving tankards of ale around and passing out on benches could commence.

Eventually we got out of the pub, full of Dutch courage and with the clear intent of bringing a dragon in alive. Sadly I spazzed it up and the bastard lizard took off just as the net deployed, which led to an entertaining five minutes climbing up a cliff to forage the spiders' webs and ivy which would be needed to fashion a replacement trap. All was eventually well, and the Kut-Ku was safely pwnt and brought back in good order by nine PM.

Congratulations to all involved!

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